Hopefully this will be the antidote to the dreadful circumstances of my dad’s and my trip to Florida. Of course, the reason for our trip, to visit with his sister and her husband and family far outweighted any slights the travel karma gods could throw in our path last Wednesday.

We arrived at the Radisson in Cape Canaveral and there was my cousin, Paul Jr., waiting for us in the parking lot. We left our gear in the car, and walked inside to join my Aunt Irene and Uncle Paul who were finishing up their dinner in the dining room.

Though our visit with them was short that night, it instantly calmed all doubts about the proof of concept for the trip and we bade them a fairwell before checking in. I’ve told you about the friends my dad made in the lobby while I was checking in.

Whoever designed the Radisson definitely had cruise ships in mind. there are forty acres of parking lots behind the complex, and the rooms are not ordered like a normal hotel, with rooms beginning with 1 on the first floor, etc. Our rooms, 332 and 331 took us a good twenty minutes to find. The rooms are organized in cell blocks – 700, 800 block probably so that those folks could all load out and pile on the bus depending on the size of the cruise ship. The labyrinthine map drawn for me at the front desk didn’t help. The problem with a highlighter going over a previously drawn line is just confusing, not edifying. The broken door we’ve touched on, and I kid you not, I had to return to the front desk four times over four days to get our keys reconnected. On my last trip to get Dad’s key “re-furbished”, I passed an exhausted and angry looking family with a full luggage cart, the son screaming into his phone “I’ve been looking for my room for thirty minutes.” I tried to tell them were to look for the elevator and to get off not on the third floor (318) but the second, but I could tell he was still on the phone when I got the front desk from the pained expression on the clerk’s face as she was trying to talk someone to their room.

Anyway, all that aside, Thursday, we arrived at Renie and Paul’s house and were greeted by my cousin Paul, currently helping them with living at home. We ordered in lunch and ate at their table, which faces out on the water, and we were treated to a parade of low wake boats throughout lunch. It was great to see them in their home and know that they are being lovingly supported by family.

After lunch, we jumped in the car and went to try to fill Els’ Florida Bingo Card.

My bingo card included Alligators, Manatees, my Aunt Irene’s studio and Dolphins. As the week went by, we added Roadside Black Hogs, a Thunderboat Parade, Drive Through Ice Cream (Brewsters), three breakfasts at Waffle House, a rocket launch sighting, spoonbills, pink flamingos, Gater Bites, and other assorted Floridian flora and fauna. Paul was extremely game to take us sightseeing and we had a wonderful time all four days we were there.

My favorite outing was on Thursday afternoon, when we went to visit Aunt Irene’s studio. I’ve written before about my Talented Aunt Irene, but this was the first time I’d been to see their home in Florida, and certainly to see the “room where it happens.” The magic, that is.

Here are some shots I took of Aunt Irene’s studio and the work she has been doing for the last decade or three. She is so talented and her work is so full of joy. She even makes jewelry out of plastics that would otherwise make it into the oceans to choke marine life. During our visit, she allowed me to pick out a pair of earrings made out of plastic yogurt caps. They are very hip!

My Aunt Irene is so inspiring. In spite of any obstacles, she has a ready smile and overt optimism about life. In this book, Blessings: The Works of Irene Neal which my brother Don assembled to show off her work, she articulates her philosophy of painting.

“I paint with all that I am—-that somehow the best of my strengths will become visible to those who stand in front of my art — so they, too, can feel in their soul, the beauty and greatness of this life.” Irene Neal

Time spent with Aunt Irene and Uncle Paul is uplifting. It reminds me of how lucky our families have been to come from such solid stock with such amazing opportunities and privileges. I don’t take those for granted, nor do any of us. I have a new appreciation for my cousin Paul, after our road trips where we all told stories of our misspent youths. We had a chance to reconnect with most of Paul Jr’s family as well in a lovely dinner Friday night. Hope to meet Paulie sometime soon. We had good and festive dinners every night. Here are some photos that will serve as my bingo card. For the record, I did see the backs of an alligator (that looked something like this) and the back of a manatee. Thank you, Paul, for getting so many things checked off my Bingo List!

You will appreciate this. When Dad and I pulled into the Hertz lot at Orlando International Airport, we were behind that white Maserati SUV. I laughed. And you know how every transaction you incur follows up with a “brief survey” from the company? I just got to fill out a survey from Hertz. I sent them a link to my last blog in the final comments area. That felt really good. Hopefully some poor underpaid employee will get a giggle.

I daresay, my talented Aunt Irene could substitute the word “paint” for “live” and it would still hold true. It was so great to be with them on this beautiful trip.

Would love to hear what you are thinking!