I got bitten by the theatre bug when I was in high school. Well, high school is not representative of the time period. I had the privilege, and yes, I know it was a privilege, to attend a swanky boarding school in New England.

I also had the great good fortune of having a theatre teacher who conveyed his sense of humor and delight in things theatrical to his students. I was gone. A lifer in the theatre. And my life has been so rich from those early days on that I have become that theatre life recruiter, that booster of the wealth of theatrical insight – that purveyor of hope in the shared community of the theatre.

And my life has been rich as a result of all the paths that this hunger has taken me down. I hope to share, and apologize in advance, for the crooked path of my stories. I have been listening to Mike Daisey’s monologues this week as I work out in the gym and what I know is that this storytelling which is so much a part of one’s theatre addiction is not intuitive, but learned. I hope you will bear with me as I learn the ropes and share the path.

Would love to hear what you are thinking!